Big Data in Co-operatives: Establishment, Growth and Management of Cooperative Societies


  • Abswaidi RAMADHANI Moshi Co-operative University, Tanzania


Co-operatives, establishment, growth, management, big data


The advent of new technologies, means of communications and devices for capturing and storing data has resulted into massive data creation which when accumulated and get big result into big data. Generally, three sources of big data exist: Social Networks (SNs), Traditional Business Systems (TBSs) and Internet of Things (IoTs). SNs provide data from inter alia Twitter, Instagram and Flickr. TBSs produce data such as commercial transactions, stock records and medical records. IoTs forms data generated from sensors that are connected to electronic devices. In addition to these three, there are other sources not much explored and known such as from co-operatives societies. This study focused on activities, responsibilities and roles performed during establishment, growth and management of co-operative societies to see how they create data. A descriptive research design was employed to describe these activities, responsibilities and roles. Findings show that, during establishment of a co-operative society, data created include but not limited to history of the area and its accessibility, bylaws, population and types of economic activities taking place in the area where a co-operative society will be established. During growth, data created include new members, economic activities and profit. Some of the data created during management of the cooperative society are reviewed and approved business and financial plan, determined interest on shares, decisions and financial records. Generally, the creation of these data is dynamic and they are created in large volumes with different speeds, formats and sources.

Author Biography

Abswaidi RAMADHANI, Moshi Co-operative University, Tanzania

Faculty member at Department of ICT, Moshi Co-operative University, Tanzania.




How to Cite

RAMADHANI, A. (2019). Big Data in Co-operatives: Establishment, Growth and Management of Cooperative Societies. African Journal of Co-Operative Development and Technology, 4(I), 24-35. Retrieved from