Does Tanzania Succeed in Sectoral Cooperation among Cooperatives in the Post- Covid -19 Recovery?


  • Damian Sambuo Moshi Co-operative University, Tanzania



Co-operatives; Principles; Cooperation; Covid-19; Tanzania


COVID-19 disrupted the global economy and escalated poverty across countries, Tanzania inclusive. In noting the sixth cooperative principle, cooperation among cooperatives with inclusions of other economic sectors remains inevitable to fight this disruption. The present study examined socio-economic cooperation among cooperatives during the post-Covid-19 era. The actor websites and Mobile phone interviews to collect appropriate data. Data were analysed by using content analysis approach. This study found that there is a direct description of how the sixth principle commensurate with Co-operative Societies Act No. 6 of 2013. Partners were establishing cooperation -born of the Tanzania National Co-operative Bank-NCB. Other cooperation aimed to improve direct export crops and market access between Tanzania cooperative development commission and Tanzania trade development authority. The the expansion of Cooperative education. The promotion of coops insurance education Co-operatives are recommended to advocate the purchase of shares, collective securities, and bonds to widen cooperation with other co-operators. Policymakers, regulatory authorities, and stakeholders should adhere to a Covid-19 "new normal" by revieweing laws and regulations.




How to Cite

Sambuo, D. (2022). Does Tanzania Succeed in Sectoral Cooperation among Cooperatives in the Post- Covid -19 Recovery?. African Journal of Co-Operative Development and Technology, 7(1), 112 - 121.